Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Kunnathodi, Gafoor, Abdul. (2013)Types and Phases of Evaluation in Educational Practice. University of Calicut, India: Different Types of Evaluation.
Retrieved from: 

Gephardt, William and Ayers, Jerry B. (2012) Teacher Education Evaluation. Boston, United States of America: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Monday, December 10, 2018


Alondra's Reflection

Creating a blog was a great experience. With my classmates we worked successfully in harmony in each little detail. The use of several tools that the web site provided made it easy to use, and the best part was the fact of providing helpful information to other users and trying to inspire them with the topic assigned. It is always fascinating creating new experiences and memories of this type, because it contributes in the developing of significant learning.

Lissiem's Reflection

This was the project that I liked most, because it was pretty easy and did not take a lot of time, even we did not spend money and my group work very well. At the beginning I was thinking it would take a lot of time and it would be difficult but actually it was the opposite. My group worked hard to have a nice product from this project of course was not the easiest, we had to follow the rubric, created the slides, write the summary and organized everything but at the end we got excellent results.

Estela´s Reflection
I had never created a blog before, which is why it is a new learning experience in my life. I think that blogs are a very important tool because they allow us to know the research that other people have done on a specific topic. Moreover, I enjoyed creating the blog with my classmates, as there was organization and good disposition on the part of each member that makes it up .To sum up, I found this activity very enriching since we learned how to use a new tool online and we applied the knowledge acquired in class.

Lidia’s Reflection
This is one of the nice experience that I had because we explored and used our creativity together to create this blog and we can share with people our knowledge and researches. We put a lot of effort on this project and the best part that I liked is that as a group we supported and worked together.  I liked also that it was not so difficult once that we understand each step we started publishing and editing our information. It was not so difficult but no so easy and took a little bit of time but I am happy with the results this activity was meaningful for us.

Helpful Apps for You to Evaluate Students

Clic on the name for more information.

Teacher and students using an app together.

Discussion Questions

Let's think!

1.- Explain in your own words the concept of evaluation in the classroom?

2.- Mention which are the purposes of evaluation.

3.-What should be taken into account when evaluating?

4.- Mention the types of evaluation based on purpose, and provide examples.

5.- Using your own words, explain the types of evaluation based on what is being evaluated.


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Evaluation Strategies and Techniques in ESL Presentation

Take a look to our slides for more information that can help you. >
What is evaluation?

Summary and Images


Let’s enjoy and cover the importance and the purpose of Evaluation as an essential part of the learning process in the classroom. Evaluation is the collection of, analysis and interpretation of information about any aspect of a programme of education or training as part of a recognized process of judging its effectiveness, its efficiency and any other outcomes it may have.

Teacher tools for evaluation.

Evaluation has several purposes:

1.-Placement of student: this involves bringing students appropriately in the learning sequence and classification or streaming of students according to ability or subjects.

2. Selecting the students for courses:  general, professional, technical, commercial etc.

3. Certification: certifying that a student has achieved a particular level of performance.

4.-Stimulating learning: this can be motivation of the student or teacher, providing feedback, suggesting suitable practice etc

5.- Improving teaching: by helping to review the effectiveness of teaching arrangements. 

Using technology for evaluation.

Depending upon what is being evaluated, different types of data will be collected, different criteria will be applied to the data, and different types of decisions will be made.

Types of Evaluation based on purpose

Placement Evaluation
This is a type of evaluations carried out in order to fix the students in the appropriate group or class. 

Is him in the correct level?

Formative Evaluation
This is a type of evaluation designed to help both the student and teacher to pinpoint areas where the student has failed to learn so that this failure may be rectified. 

Help always your students. 

Diagnostic Evaluation
This type of evaluation is carried out most of the time as a follow up evaluation to formative evaluation. What you will now do is to design a type of diagnostic test, which is applied during instruction to find out the underlying cause of students persistent learning difficulties.

Student taking a diagnostic test.

Summative evaluation:
 This is the type of evaluation carried out at the end of the course of instruction to determine the extent to which the objectives have been achieved.

A teacher grading student´s work.
A teacher evaluating student´s work.

Types of evaluation based on what is being evaluated

Student Evaluation
Achievement is one of the variables on which student is assessed; other major variables include aptitude, intelligence, personality, attitudes and interests.

Curriculum evaluation
 It involves the evaluation of any instructional program or instructional materials, and includes evaluation of such factors as instructional strategies, textbooks, audiovisual materials, and physical and organizational arrangements.

School evaluation
 Evaluation of a school involves evaluation of the total educational program of the school and entails the collection of data on all aspects of its functioning.

Evaluation of personnel
Evaluation of personnel (staff evaluation) includes evaluation of all persons responsible, either directly or indirectly, for educational outcomes, i.e., teachers, administrators, counsellors and so forth.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

About Us

Name: Alondra Mabell Cruz Castro

Age: 22 years

Name: Estela Carolina Gudiel Barahona

Age: 22 years

Name: Lidia Rosmery Matamoros Avila

Age: 23 years

Name: Lissiem Alejandra Lopez Castillo

Age: 24 years

Teaching English has been our passion for a long time. We study at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras where we learned English. Actually we are taking Didactics Workshop  II where we learn strategies and techniques for English Teachers in a Second Language. With this blog we want to share with you useful materials and resources about Evaluation. We hope it would be helpful for you and enjoy it!


This blog was created we the objective to share with you Evaluation Strategies and Techniques in ESL. Here you will find useful materials and resources about purpose of evaluation, types of evaluation, videos, mind maps, slides and other kinds of useful materials.